How we underestimate ourselves
Let’s jump right into it. This is the information era and all the wealth you can dream of creating can be done from right where you are sitting. I’m not kidding. You don’t have to move an inch to make millions. The only thing you need is an Internet connection and a laptop.
I have always been a believer in the so-called “profession” word. When someone used to ask me — what are you? I used to start as a software developer. Slowly you realize that you are only as good as your company is. This means if I lose my job tomorrow and someone asks me the same question-then am nothing. Right?
This is where the need to diversify comes in. When we invest our money we diversify — that means we put our money in different things like equities, bonds, and commodities so that if shit goes down with one the others still keep giving me returns. It's the same with your life too. Why stick to just one profession when you can do multiple and have many income sources? Think about this — if say you earn 50k from your job and earn 50k from passive income. And tomorrow your boss says — buddy, we are thinking of promoting you seeing all the excellent work you have done. So you will get 75k now but you need to put in more hours of work. This would indirectly affect your passive income part and that will go down to 10k (assume). Further, assume you lost your job and all you are left with now is the 10k. The point is, isn’t it best to have a passively guaranteed income rather than a risky job?
A job is good to have thing. No doubt about it. But look at the potential out there to make money. Instead of traveling to a place that you hate, won’t it be good to travel to someplace you love?
Again this doesn’t mean you put down your papers today. But research the possibilities out there. You will be amazed that your job is only paying you 10% of the income you can generate otherwise.