Visakh VijayanMinimalism in Action: The Kitchen ExperimentMinimalism is a journey of simple living. But it is not about selling away everything. It is identifying what matters in life and what does…Feb 19Feb 19
Visakh VijayanMinimal friendships?Minimalism is the art of living with less. And with less, I mean less of everything. It can be clothes, furniture, books and even friends…Aug 26, 2024Aug 26, 2024
Visakh VijayanTaking care of the carA car is a big investment for most of the middle class. It comes with a lot of joy and unlimited experiences. It takes care of emergencies…Aug 20, 2024Aug 20, 2024
Visakh VijayanDiscussing the biggest waste of timeWe have all been there. We start discussing something and soon we realize that the other person is speaking about something without having…Apr 24, 2024Apr 24, 2024
Visakh VijayanMinimalism is the Opposite of Social MediaHey there. I am glad you are here. I would go ahead and assume that if you are here, you are a little insane like me and find peace in the…Mar 8, 2024Mar 8, 2024
Visakh VijayanGetting Rid of My WardrobeThe problem with Minimalism is that once it hits you, you start to analyze everything around you as Marie Kondo said — “does it bring you…Nov 20, 2023Nov 20, 2023
Visakh VijayanEmbracing MinimalismA Journey of Simplicity, Struggles, and FreedomNov 13, 2023Nov 13, 2023
Visakh VijayanSmartwatches are a scam!Smartwatches or digital time tellers have been amongst us for years. It’s just that they were not as fancy back then as they are now. But…Nov 13, 2023Nov 13, 2023
Visakh VijayanRules of Life under 3 minutesLife is not complicated if you figure out things early in life. All you need for that you need an open mind and enthusiasm to learn new…Nov 11, 20232Nov 11, 20232
Visakh VijayanMinimalism: Selling My Bike OffThis has been a bit emotional day for me as I finally sold off my dear bike today. I remember the day I had finally gathered all my courage…Oct 1, 2023Oct 1, 2023
Visakh VijayanThings to do in your 30sWith the advent of the Internet, it has become easier to follow your passion and generate income. The ones who are using it to the best are…Jul 9, 2023Jul 9, 2023
Visakh VijayanHow Minimalism saved me from upgrading my Google StorageI got introduced to minimalism last year and have been loving it ever since. It’s been a long time since I have been trying to optimize…Jun 10, 2023Jun 10, 2023
Visakh VijayanThe need to buy everything“Everything is becoming costlier around us. Dad, those days are gone. You need more money these days. Dad, these things cost this much…Sep 9, 2022Sep 9, 2022
Visakh VijayanDo you need more salary or time?On a daily basis, I get a chance to speak to multiple people who are looking for a better job. Even though all of them have very convincing…Jul 30, 2022Jul 30, 2022
Visakh VijayanCreating a neighbourhood AmazonAs I mention always, I have been bitten by a bug called minimalism and that is the best thing that has ever happened to me. For those of…Jul 13, 20221Jul 13, 20221
Visakh Vijayan6 ways how cars keep you poorAs I have mentioned in my previous articles, I greatly admire the concept of minimalism. Minimalism is basically — living with less. The…Jul 12, 20221Jul 12, 20221
Visakh VijayanHow Kerala turns asset into a liabilityHey there, this is Visakh and this is the next article in the series on Minimalism. Minimalism or Essentialism is the concept of living…Apr 3, 2022Apr 3, 2022
Visakh VijayanBeep! You have a notification —Hey there, I am Visakh and this is my story about minimalism. Before going through this article I would really suggest you read this when…Mar 30, 2022Mar 30, 2022