What is ExpressJs
A website is basically content on the internet organized into pages. A website runs on a browser. And a browser uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make this magic happen.
NodeJs is taking that capability of JS and putting it to use on the server. So basically Node is nothing but a JS runtime that works on the server. Now, why do we need JS on the server? Well to write APIs. APIs are what power the dynamic part of a website. When you visit any website and you see your personalized data popping out, it's being stored somewhere in a database and is being fetched and shown to you via APIs.
And this API is being made possible by ExpressJs which is a web framework of NodeJs. So to summarize, servers use NodeJs which is nothing but a JS runtime. And APIs use ExpressJs which is nothing but a framework of NodeJs.
There are a lot more such frameworks but Express is the most used one because of its simplicity and ease to learn. It’s perfect for beginners and scales up for experienced users too.
Next: Installing Express